Application of brown corundum in the circuit board sandblasting industry

Application of brown corundum in the circuit board sandblasting industry

Brown corundum is made of high-quality bauxite, anthracite, iron oxide, smelted at a high temperature of more than 2000 degrees in an electric arc, crushed and shaped by a self-mill, magnetically separated to remove iron, and sieved into a variety of particle sizes. Its texture is dense, The hardness is high, and the particles form a spherical shape. It is suitable for manufacturing ceramics, resin high-consolidation abrasive tools, grinding, polishing, sandblasting, precision casting, etc., and can also be used for manufacturing high-grade refractory materials.

Due to its own characteristics, brown corundum has an irreplaceable role in the circuit board sandblasting industry.

But what are the requirements for the brown corundum material for the circuit board sandblasting?

1. Cleanliness requires the emery produced by the pickling water production process, which is clean, free of impurities and dust

2. Concentrated particle size. There are no large particles. If there are large particles, it will cause the emery particles to get stuck in the sandblasting process.

3. The content of magnetic substance is low, and the circuit board should not be burnt due to oxidation caused by conduction.

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